For those of us living in Canada, taking a vacation south or to anywhere warmer during those dreary winter months is a yearly tradition that is much needed to save us from those dark, cold days! With travel restrictions, quarantine and testing requirements in place now for some time, it's instilled some uncertainty in most of us trying to figure out where and when to travel to next. Quite a few people have cancelled plans, while others have put off planning their next trip all together.

But, we all know how much better we feel when we can get away on vacation – a little more carefree, a little more relaxed, a whole lot warmer! Studies show that taking time away from work and your everyday responsibilities at home to enjoy a vacation has many physical and mental health benefits...reduced stress, lowered risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure, better sleep...the list goes on. The bottom line is that enjoying some time away can improve our health, motivation, relationships, job performance, and overall perspective all the while, giving us the break we need to get back to our lives and jobs a little more refreshed and a little better equipped to handle whatever comes our way next. Travel has that kind of magical effect!

But with the challenges and isolation we've been facing during this pandemic, we've been deprived from enjoying these adventures and those special human connections that we crave so much. So what are we to do? How do we cope while still in the midst of a pandemic?

Well, you'll be glad to know that options are available. Options you can enjoy right now, from the comforts of your own home. Options, that according to researchers, could directly boost your mental health, with a positive and immediate lift to your spirits. Let's have a closer look...

Experiential Activities“Acquiring things will rarely bring you deep satisfaction, but acquiring experiences will.” is one of 68Bits of Unsolicited Advice from Kevin Kelly, Senior Maverick for Wired Magazine. Seems like pretty good advice to me, and besides, experiences make far better stories!

Here are some local businesses that have busted out their creativity with these fun food experiences you can enjoy:

  • Taco Farm's theme night take-out includes everything you need for a Mini-Taste-Testing-Vacation right at home...even a Make @ Home Margarita Kiteso suena delicioso! Also check out their Leftover Tortilla recipes!
  • Queen of Hearts Coffee & Tea House wants you to indulge in an Afternoon Tea Party; their recent Valentine's High Tea at Home with Live Concert promotion was so popular, it sold out quickly!
  • The Crumby Cookie Dough Co. includes a Yummy History Lesson with their KW Snack Pack; and
  • The Oxford Drive-In delivers their buttered popcorn and other tasty treats - that includes a monthly subscription box option - right to your door! Your at-home-movie-night will be the 'Reel' deal!

Delicious Food Image

Literary Learning – be whisked away to a faraway destination, learn a new skill or language by:

  • Reading travel books or destination-based novels that transport you to paradise or get you to slow down to savour the journey...virtually. “Condé Nast Traveler listed in The Best Travel Books of All Time, According to Authors a few literary gems for you to devour!
  • Open Culture provides an endless array of FREE cultural and educational content from online courses, audio books, movies, language lessons and e-books. Vous voulez apprendre avec moi? < PG-13 version of that famous French question! ;-) >

Virtually There –a little something fun for every interest and budget:

  • Buzz Tour Company has teamed up with a few local small businesses in Waterloo region to provide interactive virtual fun, Music Bingo Dance Party and Make & Shake Cocktails...also be sure to join in the Friday Night fun LIVE on Instagram for Cocktails with Christine!
  • The Toronto Zoo may be closed right now to visitors but with over 5,000 animals to care for, staff are onsite and virtually welcoming animal lovers to join them on the regular to visit, learn and listen. Their interactive online activities' calendar is sure to keep you busy!
  • Prefer live theatre, Stratford Theatre @ Home offers exclusive digital treasures from their film library, intimate musical concerts, spontaneous Shakespeare riffs and more!

Virtually There

Wanderlust – anticipation is a very powerful thing and even if you don't feel comfortable with travelling right now, why not get started planning your next great adventure! Where to go, what to see, what to do - thinking about your next trip, talking about it, imagining it—may in fact be the best thing you can do to stay optimistic during a pandemic! And when all this is behind us, you'll be ready to embark on that trip of a lifetime! Here's a few ways to kick-start your trip planning right now:

  • Travel-Themed MeetUp Group – join like-minded adventurers for fun talk travel and learn about future trips you can enjoy. Even though current events are held online for now, when it's possible MeetUps will be held in person in your local community. Everyone is welcome to join in, so why not join one of the SW Ontario groups hosted by yours truly – KW Adventure Travel Club or Woodstock Adventure Travel Club.
  • Create a Vision Board or a Bucket-List Journal – determine your travel goals, set your intentions and put your plan in motion. Vacation Vision Boards and Bucket-List Journals are very powerful visualization tools and regular reminders of that bucket-list adventure you've been dreaming about!
  • Work with a travel professional – Travel Advisors will inspire you with unique, off-the-beaten path destinations, arrange complicated itineraries, juggle the details of group or family vacations, provide insider knowledge while lending a helping hand every step of the way - before, during and after your travels, all the while working within your budget. When you are ready to start planning your trip, reach out to me - I would love to inspire and help you plan your next great adventure!

So, even though we may be stuck at home, with a little creativity and imagination, experiences can virtually lift your spirits!

Experience is the teacher of all things ~Julius Caesar

If you have other experiential ideas that you have discovered, be sure to get in touch. I would love to hear all about it!

In the meantime for more travel inspiration and upcoming events, be sure to sign up for my Exclusive Newsletter or follow along on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn, for additional content and upcoming virtual events.