As an Adventure Travel Specialist, I thrive on creating fun, intimate and amazing travel adventures for my clients to experience in the most breathtaking locations of the world. I specialize in off-the-beaten path destinations on land and water, with a focus on active travel! 

I am also Training Manager with TravelOnly, a family owned and operated Canadian Company with over 50 years of experience in the travel industry. A licensed wholesale/retail travel agency from coast to coast with more than 800 travel advisors, leveraging our enormous buying power to negotiate with travel suppliers and partners, ensuring our clients receive the absolutely best value and customer service on every tour package, cruise ship and airline. 

Thank you for stopping in to look around. I look forward to helping you plan and book your next great adventure! 


Places that I've travelled to…

INTERNATIONAL - Antarctica - Argentina - Austria - Bahamas - Belize - Brazil - British Virgin Islands - Costa Rica - Cuba - Dominican Republic - Ecuador - Egypt - France - Galapagos Islands - Germany - Greece - Honduras - Iceland - Italy - Mexico - Morocco - Panama - Puerto Rico - Portugal - Sint Maarten - South Africa - Spain - St. Thomas - Turkiye

CANADA - Alberta - British Columbia - Ontario - Manitoba - Nova Scotia - New Brunswick - Prince Edward Island - Quebec - Saskatchewan - Yukon

UNITED STATES - Alaska - Arizona - Colorado - D.C. - Florida - Hawaii - Illinois - Louisiana - Michigan - Minnesota - Nevada - New Jersey - New York - Pennsylvania - Virginia - Wisconsin - Utah  
TravelOnly is governed by TICO in Ontario, the CPBC in British Columbia and OPC in Québec, adhering to all requirements and regulations. TravelOnly is also an accredited IATA appointed agency and a member of CLIA, BBB and ACTA. 

TICO # - 4316071 | BPCA # - 29791 | OPC # - 70267